Desktop Applicatoin Features

Customer Management


Discover how our advanced discount and classification management features revolutionize customer pricing strategies and streamline operations for distribution businesses.

Customer Classification

Classify customers into distinct categories (e.g., retailer, wholesaler) to tailor pricing and services based on their unique requirements and purchasing behavior.

Customer Pricing and Discounts

Customize pricing structures and discounts for each customer classification, ensuring competitive offers while optimizing profitability.

Credit Limit Management

Set individual credit limits for customers within each classification, managing credit risks effectively and maintaining financial stability.

Transactional SMS Alerts

Automate transactional communication through SMS notifications, delivering personalized offers, promotions, and payment reminders based on customer classifications.

Product Sales History

Access product sales history during the sale process, providing insights into previous sales to specific customers, including quantities, prices, and discounts.

Email Invoicing with PDF

Send invoices via email with PDF attachments, providing detailed billing information and discounts specific to each customer classification, enhancing transparency and customer satisfaction.

Bilingula Customer Names

Display customer names in both English and Urdu to accommodate multilingual communication needs and enhance customer engagement.

Route Optimizatoin with City and Area Selection

Optimize order delivery routes by utilizing city and area selection features, ensuring efficient order fulfillment and minimizing travel time for sales representatives.


With our advanced discount and classification management features, distribution businesses can optimize pricing strategies, enhance customer relationships, and drive sustainable growth in today's competitive market landscape.


Employee Managment

Empower your workforce and optimize human resource management.


Customer Managment

Discover how our advanced discount and classification management features.


Inventory Management

Ensures real-time tracking, optimized stock levels, and inventory management.


Purchase Managment

Unlock streamlined procurement processes with our comprehensive purchase management.


Sales Managment

Easily create and manage quotations with customizable templates.


Location Tracking Report

Software is all about making things easy for distributors. We've some cool features.

Why Choose Us

We Worked With Reputed Companies in The World

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Cyber Security

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Our Pricing Plan

$29.99Monthly Package
  • Powerful Admin Panel
  • 1 Native Android App
  • Multi-Language Support
  • Support via E-mail and Phone
$39.99Monthly Package
  • Powerful Admin Panel
  • 2 Native Android App
  • Multi-Language Support
  • Support via E-mail and Phone
$79.99Monthly Package
  • Powerful Admin Panel
  • 3 Native Android App
  • Multi-Language Support
  • Support via E-mail and Phone