Desktop Applicatoin Features

Employee Management


Empower your workforce and optimize human resource management with our comprehensive employee management solutions. Explore how our features streamline employee administration, enhance productivity, and drive performance.

Employee Information Management

Capture and store essential employee information, including name, mobile number, CNIC, email, address, basic salary, and designation, ensuring accurate and centralized records.

Market Credit Limits Management

Set and manage market credit limits for each employee, controlling their purchasing power and ensuring responsible spending behavior.

Salary Management

Streamline salary management processes, including payroll calculation, deductions, and bonuses, ensuring timely and accurate payments to employees.

Company and Customer Assignments

Assign specific companies or customers to employees for sales activities, facilitating targeted marketing efforts and personalized customer service.

Daily Route Planning

Create and manage daily routes for employees, specifying locations and schedules for optimized order deliveries and customer visits.

Target Setting and Incentive Management

Set performance targets for employees and define incentive structures to motivate and reward achievement, driving productivity and sales performance.

Permission-Based User Access

Implement permission-based user access for software operators, ensuring secure and controlled access to system functionalities based on user roles and responsibilities, enhancing data security and compliance.


With our comprehensive employee management solutions, businesses can optimize workforce productivity, enhance sales performance, and drive sustainable growth in today's dynamic marketplace.


Employee Managment

Empower your workforce and optimize human resource management.


Customer Managment

Discover how our advanced discount and classification management features.


Inventory Management

Ensures real-time tracking, optimized stock levels, and inventory management.


Purchase Managment

Unlock streamlined procurement processes with our comprehensive purchase management.


Sales Managment

Easily create and manage quotations with customizable templates.


Location Tracking Report

Software is all about making things easy for distributors. We've some cool features.

Why Choose Us

We Worked With Reputed Companies in The World

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Software Development

Web Development

SEO Analysis

Cyber Security

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Happy Clients
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Projects Done
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Expert People
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Our Pricing Plan

$29.99Monthly Package
  • Powerful Admin Panel
  • 1 Native Android App
  • Multi-Language Support
  • Support via E-mail and Phone
$39.99Monthly Package
  • Powerful Admin Panel
  • 2 Native Android App
  • Multi-Language Support
  • Support via E-mail and Phone
$79.99Monthly Package
  • Powerful Admin Panel
  • 3 Native Android App
  • Multi-Language Support
  • Support via E-mail and Phone